Tips for Getting Your Child Ready for Back-to-School in 2020

Tips for Getting Your Child Ready for Back-to-School in 2020

Getting kids ready for the upcoming school year can be challenging in a normal year. But in 2020, parents have even more things to think about. That’s why we’ve provided this brief resource guide below to help you navigate the back-to-school challenges coming your way.

How to Keep Your Home and Kid Clean

Whether or not your child will be attending school during the pandemic, it’s essential that your household stays germ-free. 

  • Consider hiring a professional cleaning service once a week or even once a month.
  • If you tackle the cleaning make sure you get in all the places where germs like to hide.
  • Also, be sure to keep clutter at bay on a daily basis.
  • To help keep everyone germ-free, be sure to stock up on hand sanitizer.

How to Get Your Child into a School Routine

The sooner you start preparing your child a new routine, the easier their transition will be.

How to Succeed in Online Learning

If your child will be doing online courses, take the proper steps for helping them succeed. 

  • Invest in any devices and tools your child will need for online learning success.
  • Make sure you have a reliable cybersecurity plan established for all of your devices.
  • Create a comfortable learning space for your child.
  • And make time for your child to socially interact.

Getting your child ready for the upcoming school year is as important as it is challenging. Remember to keep your home and your child germ-free, transition your child into a school routine, and take any necessary steps to help them succeed at online learning. Most importantly, take it one day at a time. We hope that you enjoyed these tips for getting your child back-to-school in 2020!

This Blog is brought to you by Jenna Sherman

Jenna Sherman created Parent-Leaders to be all about what parents can do to make sure their children grow up to be strong, independent, successful adults. By providing a collection of valuable, up-to-date, authoritative resources, she hopes to help other parents acquire the skills they need to raise future leaders. Jenna is mom to three children — two girls and a boy.